Youth Ministries call for passion, patience, and faithfulness - pointing out the sacred in the midst of the chaos of adolescence and walking faithfully with young people as they transition from child to young adult. Youth Ministry is bridging ministry of education, connection, formation, and hopefully, transformation.

Responding to the spiritual needs of teens is about building trusting relationships. Our parishes strive to walk with young people on their journeys from childhood to adulthood, recognizing their gifts for ministry, their questions about spirituality, and their desire to make a difference in the world.

Advent Series - 1

Advent with Bishop Larry and Friends

Advent Series - 2

Advent Series - 3

Advent with Bishop Larry and Friends

Advent Series - 4

Advent with Bishop Larry and Friends

Advent Series - 5

Christmas with Bishop Larry and Friends.
A Prayer for Our Youth
August 2020

Loving Father, we thank you for our youth and young adults. Thank you for knowing each one of them intimately. Thank you for guiding and directing them as they journey with you, and for your unconditional love that you pour upon them. Give them a real sense of your presence and assure them that you will never leave them. Father, we ask your blessing on them, especially now as they prepare for school or work in an uncertain world. Send your Holy Spirit to speak to their hearts and help them to focus on you. May they know Christ as brother and friend and make him known. May they put their trust in you, Lord, and walk in your ways and may they know your wonderful and abundant love as they look to the next adventure with you. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.